۵ مطلب با موضوع «چیز هآی دوست دآشتَنی» ثبت شده است



یَجِب أن نقول لبَعض النّاس أنتُم الّذینَ لاتَستطیونَ أَن تَقَفوا علی رجلکم، فَکیفَ تَستَطیعونَ أَن تَقَفوا علی قولِکم!؟




  • ۲۹
    • Maglonya ~♡
    • جمعه ۱۳ فروردين ۰۰




    That the sky is blue is not the sky’s fault


    That the еvening glow is red is not the sunshinе’s fault


    If you are unable to live the life that you’d like


    That's not the fault of the kind you


    ReonNa - Unknown- 



  • ۱۷
    • Maglonya ~♡
    • دوشنبه ۲۹ دی ۹۹


    ?Garam... What is love


    Heroically giving up your life for someone special! Could that be love? Not even the mighty sun could stand in the way of true love! right?! Throwing yourself into the face of danger! Now that's love!!! I've realized something, we were put into this Earth to love and be loved! isn't that the most amazing thing you've ever heard?!



  • ۱۴
  • نظرات [ ۱۶ ]
    • Maglonya ~♡
    • جمعه ۱۲ دی ۹۹

    True beauty

    ?Damn it... What's the point of living anyway


    After Seyeon died... When I thought about how I wasn't able to protect him, I felt so pathetic I wanted to destroy myself. Seyeon missed a lot of classes when he was a trainee. so no one even remembers who he was. Now I'm the only one who remembers him


    True beauty-


  • ۱۵
  • نظرات [ ۱۲ ]
    • Maglonya ~♡
    • دوشنبه ۱۷ آذر ۹۹



    People like to remember special "

    .moments by taking photos

    That way they can look at those photos

    ".and relive those moments whenever they want





  • ۱۴
  • نظرات [ ۵ ]
    • Maglonya ~♡
    • جمعه ۹ آبان ۹۹
    زندگی مثل یه نمایشه که از قبل هیچوقت براش تمرین نکردی، پس آواز بخون، اشک بریز، برقص و بخند و با تمام وجودت زندگی کن قبل از این که نمایش بدون هیچ تشویقی تموم بشه [= ...

    -چارلی چاپلین


    ~ما هیچوقت فراموش نمی شیم^^*


    𝖂𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊,
    𝕽𝕰𝕯 𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖜𝖓.


    *'I LOVE YOU 3000'*


    *Namae no nai kaibutsu*


    ☾ STAN LOOΠΔ ☽


    ,Dear me
    I know you're tired. but you can handle this. The future me is waiting, Don't make her disappointed.
    .With love, me